What a wonderful way to spend the day!

I have happily achieved a lot of painting time today. It may surprise you that I enjoy ‘watching’ programmes on my lap top while also concentrating on painting! My brain likes to have something on in the background so as I don’t over think and over work my painting.

So once I am all set to paint at my desk, with my paints, magnifying glass, clean brushes, water, cup of tea, and Alf, my Beddlington Terrier dog, under the desk to keep my feet warm! I find something to listen to related to philately so that I can learn as I spend the time creating. What a wonderful way to spend the day!

Today I listened to an episode (no.21) of Ted talking about stamps, there is a series of talks, here is a link… https://youtu.be/hXNZre0lJvk


Have a browse around Virtual Stampex!


artist notes…